Thursday 27 January 2011


There are some bad things about the Internet. People have lost money through scams like fake shopping sites. It’s awful but there are people who keep and send images of abuse also. You can also get lots of problems with things like spam, spyware, malware and adware. This can make people unhappy about using IT.


  1. Well these are some of the negative point but there are also a lot of good things about the internet, it helps people to keep in touch with each other. There are many games on the internet and keep people entertained for hours. There are ways around getting spam, spy ware and the others by buying a good fire wall like Norton, from PC world. These things would make people unhappy using the internet but there is a lot better thing about the internet than bad.

  2. that is true but if people wants to avoid that you have to make sure you computer is fully protected and do not go to unsecure website to avoid these things

  3. Thank you for your comment. What you say is true. People should use good antivirus + spyware packages. Sometimes you can get good, free downloads from computer magazines and it will tell you what is best for your computer.
    I recommend that you read the magazine "Computer Active" - it's in the library at college.
    I chose Comondo Internet Security because I need to know IP addresses OUT and IN. It also allows me to run software without writing/editing anything on my hard drive. I added Antivirus and spyware inside Comondo Internet Security and my computer doesn't run slowly.

  4. They is good and bad over the internet. they is always one person who will spoil it for other people for example people who make viruses and spy on people. These people make other people worried and not want to do their shopping and online banking over the internet. By the way good Blog
